Move beyond your current limitations.

Step into new possibilities.

Create a meaningful future for your life & leadership.

I support people as a Coach. Consultant. and Creative Thought-Partner.


“Our task is to be continuously defeated by ever larger things.” - Rainer Maria Rilke

I coach people to expand their capacity for a flourishing life of relational wholeness, meaningful contribution, and success.

Very often, the great successes of our early or midlife become the greatest obstacles for the most important work ahead of us. At these threshold moments of life—when we sense that what’s needed is not just new skills, but a new way of being—the opportunity for genuine transformation appears.

You can transcend the old patterns and limiting stories that, until now, have kept you from living as you have always dreamed you could. It’s here that your greatest contributions, not yet realized, will emerge.

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“The world doesn’t only need bigger goals and grander institutions, it needs bigger people—people of substance. When we aim at external success, we might hit our achievements, but miss genuine growth. When we make wholeness and growth our aim, we can reach our loftiest goals and become people of real substance in the process. ”

What Is Coaching?

Coaching is a collaborative relationship created for the purpose of transformational work. It’s all about growth. It’s about discovering the best possible relationships and results that you desire and committing to the actions necessary to make them happen. A coach serves as a listening partner and guide committed to standing with you and fostering an environment for learning, growth, and transformation to occur.

This happens by:

  • Cultivating a relationship of trust where support and challenge are welcomed and expected

  • Clarifying your vision for a preferred future filled with meaning and significance

  • Exploring the mindsets, habits, and patterns that no longer serve you well or produce the life you desire

  • Creating new pathways for living a flourishing life of wholeness and health

  • Utilizing a variety of mindfulness and embodiment practices to increase awareness and resilience to meet the demands and stressors of your daily life

Who Do I Work With?

I’ve coached C-Level Executives, Marketplace Leaders, Musicians, Creatives, Entrepreneurs, Pastors, and Ministry Leaders.

The simple fact is there is no “one-size-fits-all” coaching solution. Every person carries their unique personal history along with a combination of capacities, strengths, limitations, desires, fears, goals, challenges, and dreams. I approach the coaching process with a broad, integrative framework to best serve you and your purpose. This approach helps cut across industry specifics to focus on personal, relational, and organizational dynamics which allows me to work with people from a variety of fields.

  • High-Level Executives and Organization Leaders

  • Pastors and Ministry Leaders

  • Creatives and Entrepreneurs

Want to learn more about the process?